Born in Catania in 1996, Laura Marchese began the study of the harp in 2011 at the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Vincenzo Bellini” in Catania. In 2018 she obtained the Bachelor Degree cum laude in Harp at the aforementioned institute under the guidance of M° Antonio Ostuni. The same year, Laura Marchese began her specialization studies in Belgium. She is currently attending the Master course in Harp (performing arts) under the guidance of M° Sophie Hallynck at the Institut Royal Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie in Namur.
She has participated in various competitions such as the VIII International Music Competition Amigdala. Memorial “Giuseppe Raciti”, the 19th National Music Competition “Placido Mandanici Award” and the the 2nd International Harp Competition “Nicanor Zabaleta”, winning first prizes and first absolute prizes.
Driven by her desire for research and knowledge, Laura played in the masterclasses of internationally renowned harp masters such as M° Mario Falcao, M° Letizia Belmondo, M° Isabelle Moretti, M° Chantal Mathieu, M° Luisa Prandina, M° Anaïs Gaudemard and others.
She has performed at events promoted by committees and cultural associations as a soloist, in chamber music groups and orchestras.
Laura Marchese is currently engaged in the research and execution of new harp repertoire and contemporary music.